Introduction. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a chronic progressive disease that leads to the development of bronchial obstruction and chronic inflammation in the respiratory tract. COPD is a risk factor for the development of lung cancer (LC) regardless of smoking and has similar pathogenetic mechanisms with lung tumor. It is important to identify the signs specific to patients with COPD, which help to distinguish the non-tumor process from LC.
The purpose of the study. To identify clinical, anamnestic, and laboratory-instrumental signs in patients with COPD and determine their dependence on the GOLD stage.
Materials and methods. A retrospective assessment of the clinical and anamnestic data and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies was carried out in 128 patients with COPD hospitalized at the S.S. Yudin’s Clinical Hospital for 2019 – 2023. For statistical processing, the following were used: the Mann-Whitney U-test, the Kraskel-Wallis criterion, the Dunn criterion with the Hill correction, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the ROC curve analysis method, the Euden index, the Pearson and Spearman correlation matrix method using a modified Chaddock table.
Results and discussion. In the group of patients with COPD, the most frequently observed clinical signs were established (shortness of breath at rest and with minimal physical exertion, cough with scant sputum), auscultative listened to changes in data (wheezing of various characteristics), radiological manifestations (emphysema; hydrothorax, more characteristic in the progression of the disease and more often established in patients at stages III-IV GOLD, changes in laboratory parameters (decrease in the concentration of LDH, total and indirect bilirubin in blood serum during the progression).
In addition, a whole list of laboratory parameters has been identified, the concentration of which in biological fluids is statistically interdependent in the cohort.
Conclusion. In our study, clinical, anamnestic, and laboratory-instrumental signs characteristic of patients with COPD at various GOLD stages have been established. If signs are found that are not typical for patients with COPD, the clinician will need to conduct a differential diagnostic search, primarily to identify the tumor process.