This study presents the results of evaluation of the intensity and prevalence rate of dental hard tissue diseases, periodontal pathology, parotid glands secretory activity in patients with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases such as Sjogren’s disease (SD) and Sjogren’s syndrome (SS).
The aim is the evaluation of intensity and prevalence rate of dental hard tissue diseases and inflammatory periodontal diseases according to the parotid glands secretory activity in patients with SD and SS.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive clinical and dental examination of 85 patients with SD, 139 with SS was performed (rheumatoid arthritis (RA) + SS – 49; systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) + SS – 52; systemic scleroderma (SSD) + SS – 38). Patients underwent in comprehensive dental examination, which included the complaints collection, medical history, assessment of conditions of dental hard and periodontal tissues. The functional ability of the parotid glands was evaluated by M. V. Simonova’s method.
Results. As a result of the clinical examination, the highest caries rates, ranging from 3 to several tooth surfaces (K.02) was revealed, which typically for patients with SD and SS, cervical caries was suffered to a greater extent by patients with SD (85.0 %). With SD, they were most often observed: increased abrasion of mixed-type tooth enamel, enamel chips and wedge-shaped defects in 20.0 %, 18.8 % and 7.1 % of cases. In patients with SSH (RA + SSH, SLE + SSH, SSD + SSH), increased abrasion of mixed-type tooth enamel was detected in 18.4 %, 16.0 %, 10.8 %, enamel chips – 6.1 %, 14.0 %, 5.4 %, the presence of wedge–shaped defects – 4.0 %, 4.1 %, 0 %, respectively. A low level of hygiene was noted in all the examined groups, but a high percentage was observed in 37 (97.4 %) patients with SSD + CS and 61 (71.8 %) and in patients with BS. The main form of periodontal pathology is chronic periodontitis of moderate severity, the index (PI) for SD is 1.3 [1.2; 1.5], SH is 1.3 [0.9; 2.0]. When comparing the results of the functional state of the parotid glands by sialometry, a significant quantitative difference was noted between the groups with SD 1.3 [0.5; 2.1] ml and SS + immuno-inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IIRD) 2.0 [0.9; 3.5] ml, SS + SLE 2.4 [1.7; 4.0] ml.
Conclusion. As a result of a comprehensive oral examination in patients with SD and SS + IIRD, a high prevalence and intensity of caries and non-caries, affected dental hard tissues, and inflammatory periodontal diseases were revealed.
The level of dental care for patients with SD and SS + IIRD remains limited.
Comparing groups of patients with SD and SS + IIRD, we revealed significant differences in the secretory activity of parotid glands, the presence of rapidly progressive multiple, cervical and circular caries, as well as defects of enamel including chipped tooth enamel and dental erosions in patients with SD in contrast to patients with SS + IIRD.