Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy

Scientific and practical quarterly peer-reviewed journal


ISSN 2712-9330 (Online)

About this journal

Journal of the International Cytology School and Innovatory Medical School


Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), registration number ЭЛ No. ФС 77-80597 dated March 15, 2021.


The journal is devoted to three areas of medical sciences - laboratory, clinical medicine and pharmacy.


Aims and Scope

With articles offering an excellent balance between three areas of medical sciences - laboratory, clinical medicine and pharmacy through the prism of conventional and innovation laboratory diagnostics, modern drugs and clinical medicine, Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy fosters the understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms behind diseases and facilitates the translation of frontline research in to clinical practice.


As the official journal of the International Cytology School&Innovatory Medical School, it evaluates a new and existing approaches of scientific advances as well as their clinical correlation. Original papers, review articles, novel insight from clinical practice, letters to the editors and others cover topics from cross-disciplinary medical team with presenting a perfect reference for practical use.


Editor-in-Chief - Zhanna Yu. Sapozhkova – MD, PhD, Master of Linguistics, International Cytology School, Head, Senior Lecturer, Moscow Russia; Privat Medical Centre of Podolsk, Moscow Region, Head of Clinical Lab, doctor/cytologist, 

Podolsk, Moscow region, Russia.


Frequency - 4 issues per year

Online edition

Format - A4, pdf files

The volume of a typical number is 50 - 80 pages

Subscription index in the catalog "XXXXX XXXX" - 00000


The journal is included in the specialized reference bibliographic service CrossRef. DOI: 10.14489/issn.2712-9330

The journal is registered in the international database of periodicals and continuing publications Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory


Journal founder - LLC L&Q COMPANY

Publisher - LLC Publishing house 'Spektr'


Journal headings


1. Editorial article


2. Journal bulletin

Includes news and information on the work of the International School of Cytology / School of Medicine of Innovation and its partners, information on conferences, congresses and other scientific events.


3. Abstract reviews

It publishes abstracts of the most interesting articles from leading foreign journals on topics corresponding to the main scientific areas of laboratory, clinical medicine and pharmacy.


4. Original articles

It presents our own experience in studying the etiology and pathogenesis of various diseases, describes original methods, methods of diagnosis and treatment, improving the quality of pharmaceutical care, describes experiments and their results. The structure of the article: introduction, materials and methods, research results, discussion, conclusions, bibliography.


5. Review articles

The points of view and clinical experience of different authors on various problems of medicine and pharmacy are considered. This work should be based on an analysis of a sufficient amount of literature necessary for objective coverage of the selected topic.


6. History of Medicine and Pharmacy

It covers the historical aspects of the development of medicine and pharmacy, and also introduces the biography of prominent doctors and pharmacists - scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of specialties.


7. Clinical case

Rare or unusual clinical cases of scientific and practical interest are presented. The description should be informative, well-illustrated and devoid of unnecessary details.


8. Clinical lectures

It is a generalized experience in the diagnosis and treatment of a particular disease or fundamental research.


9. Economics and management in medicine and pharmacy

A communicative platform for government officials, medical, pharmaceutical, educational organizations, investors, partners in the organization and economics of laboratory, clinical medicine and pharmacy.


10. A new look from clinical and pharmaceutical practice

Innovative methods of diagnostics, treatment, creation, and quality assessment of drugs are considered.


11. Critical review




Journal of the International  Cytology School and  Innovatory Medical School