Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy

Scientific and practical quarterly peer-reviewed journal


ISSN 2712-9330 (Online)

  • Continuous numbering: 14
  • Pages: 14-25
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Heading: Critical Review

Over the past two decades scientific and practical research and developments by Russian laboratory medicine specialists have been shown evolutionary and revolutionary achievements in the field of male infertility (MI) diagnostic technologies. Todays the current national guidelines contain information on laboratory research methods which should be reviewed and updated considering a key opinion leader of laboratory medicine. Review contains a detailed analysis of the clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, the standard of medical care, GOST R ISO 23162–2023 and other normative legal documents which based on the algorithm of laboratory evaluation a cause of MI in ejaculate samples.
Zhanna Yu. Sapozhkova – MD, PhD, International Cytology School&Innovatory Medical School, Head, Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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25. Pochernikov DG, Postovoitenko NT, Davidova ZhYu. The benefits from update laboratory preanalytical stage in PCR on the way to identify occult urological infections in male. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2023;3(2):4-11. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2023.02.pp.004-011
26. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Milovanova GA, Pochernikov DG, et al. Diagnostic capabilities of ejaculate sediment examination with the help of nucleic acid amplification by polymerase chain reaction and microbiologic examination in searching for causes of male reproductive disfunction. Medical Technologies. Assessment and Choice. 2022;44(2):62?71. (In Russ). DOI: 10.17116/medtech20224402162
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29. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Kasoyan KT, SHabalova IP. Papillomavirusnaya infekciya u muzhchin: vozmozhnosti citologicheskogo issledovaniya osadka eyakulyata i VPCH-DNK testirovanie, klinicheskie nablyudeniya. Tezisy III Rossijskogo kongressa laboratornoj mediciny. Laboratornaya sluzhba. 2017;6(3):53-4. (In Russ).
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31. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Pochernikov DG., Galkina IS. Rol’ citologii osadka eyakulyata i PCR-diagnostiki v poiske vozmozhnoj prichiny muzhskogo besplodiya i rannej onkopatologii. Tezisy Pervogo nacional’nogo kongressa s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem LABRiN. Nauchno-prakticheskij zhurnal ‘Akusherstvo i ginekologiya’. 2019;(Suppl 4):75-6. (In Russ).
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33. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Pochernikov DG, Galkina IS. Infectioous and non-infectious findings in infertile men with asymptomatic chronic prostatitis: Sperm Sediment Cytology vs DNA-screening 20th International Cytology Congress. 2019;96:89
34. Sapozhkova ZhYu. Informativeness of combined human semen analysis on the way to clarify the causes of reproductive dysfunction: basic semen examination and sperm sediment cytology (SSC). Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2023;3(1):19-36. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2023.01.pp.019-036
35. Sapozhkova ZhYu. Sposob laboratornoj diagnostiki muzhskoj reproduktivnoj funkcii na baze ocenki dispersii DNK-fragmentov spermatozoidov. Patent RUS 2 795567. 05.05.2023. Byul. №13 (In Russ).
36. Davidova ZhYu, Chelikova GA. The role of sperm sediment cytology in diagnostics of high risk human papillomavirus. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2023;3(4):30-6. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2023.04.pp.030-036
37. Davidova ZhYu, Chelikova GA. Sperm sediment cytology on the way to male infertility check-up. Laboratory Service. 2023;12(4):51?4. (In Russ). DOI: 10.17116/labs20231204151
38. Davidova ZhYu, Chelikova GA. The role of multidisciplinary approach on the way to search an effective diagnostic algorithms in laboratory examination of patients with male accessory gland infections. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2024;4(1):17-24. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2024.01.pp.017-024
39. Pochernikov DG, Parshentsev AS, Filippova OS, et al. The role of three-stage examination on the way to searching a causes infertility in male. Clinical Report. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2024;4(1):34-42. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2024.01.pp.034-042
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42. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Eremin KI, Patsap OI. Sperm Chromatin Dispersion Test for Examination of Infertile Male: From Сlinical Trials of First Russian Kit GEMSTANDART–HaloSperm L&Q. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2022;2(3):37-56. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/ lcmp.2022.03.pp.037-056
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56. Sapozhkova ZhYu, Eremin KI, Dolgov VV. Unification of procedures of cytochemical staining of human ejaculate to determine the true fertility of men. Laboratory Diagnostics. Eastern Europe. 2020;9(1-2):41-9 (In Russ) DOI: 10.34883/PI.2020.9.1.026

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DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2024.04.pp.014-025
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Sapozhkova ZhYu. Semen Examination on the National Way. Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. Pharmacy. 2024;4(4):14-25. (In Russ). DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2024.04.pp.014-025