Abstract. Currently, the diagnosis ‘normozoospermia’ independently and in combination with ‘viscosipathy’ does not exclude male infertility and stopping further examination of patient. Moreover, these semiological diagnoses seem to be the most important diagnostic criteria for determining the cause of a significant number of idiopathic infertility in couples who had unsuccessful attempt to conceive from 12 months or more. These clinical cases demonstrate the importance of combine approach to basic semen examination made it much more extended by ancillary technique e.g. sperm sediment cytology (SSC), fragmentation of sperm DNA (DFS) and of level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) estimation.
Zhanna Yu. Sapozhkova – MD, PhD, International Cytology School, Head, Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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