Studies have been conducted to optimize the processes of personnel management in pharmacies, to determine the relationship between the type of a pharmacist’s personality and the availability of organizational and career competencies. In order to determine the competencies necessary for the work performed, the analysis of the specifics of the pharmacists’ work (at the examples of a manager, a pharmacist with higher education, and a pharmacist with secondary professional education) has been carried out. An expert assessment of the questionnaire has been made to assess the significance of five clusters of competencies (will and leadership, interpersonal communication, organizational and strategic skills, self-positioning) in relation to the specifics of the activities at the pharmacy. The relationship between the positions of specialists and the level of development of their competencies has been determined and expressed quantitatively (from 1 to 5 points). There is a low correlation between the indicators of the competencies of the managers and pharmacists. It confirms the need for differentiation in the formation of sets of competencies for training the specialists.
Based on the Lominger competencies model and the results of expert research, the ‘Personality type – position’ matrix for a pharmacy’s manager has been constructed. A personality type was determined by means of the questionnaire of Myers & Briggs test. An algorithm for determining the optimal personality type of a candidate for the position of manager has been presented. Similar calculations can be made for pharmacists with higher education and pharmacists with secondary professional education. The data obtained make it possible to use them in the determination of a working place, hiring, and rotation of specialists.