Лабораторная и клиническая

медицина. Фармация

Научно-практический ежеквартальный рецензируемый журнал

ISSN 2712-9330 (Online)

  • Сквозной номер выпуска: 5
  • Страницы статьи: 57-64
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Рубрика: Реферативные обзоры

Статья посвящена результатам международных исследований постковидного синдрома (ПКС), или ?длинного КОВИД?. Приведены различные определения, комплексная симптоматика, частота и риск развития ПКС у лиц, перенесших КОВИД бессимптомно, амбулаторно и в стационаре. У выздоровевших людей, КОВИД-отрицательных по ПЦР, особым вниманием рассматриваются патофизиологические механизмы развития и течения ПКС: длительно персистирующие гиперактивация врожденного иммунитета, гипервоспаление, гиперкоагуляция и гипофибринолиз, микротромбозы, образование аутоантител, дисфункция различных органов. Представлены задачи, возможности и проблемы лабораторной диагностики осложнений, связанных с ПКС.
Лариса Владимировна Мухоморова – старший медицинский советник, АО ?ДИАКОН?, Пущино, Московская область, Россия E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Василий Васильевич Вельков – к.б.н., директор по науке, АО ?ДИАКОН?, Пущино, Московская область, Россия E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
1. Munblit D., Nicholson T.R., Needham D.M., et al. Studying the post-COVID-19 condition: research challeng-es, strategies, and importance of Core Outcome Set devel-opment // BMC Med. 2022. Vol. 20, N 1. P. 50.
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3. MKБ-10 [Internet]. Доступно по: https://mkb-10.com/index.php?pid=23014. Ссылка активна на: 04 Aug 2022.
4. Mahase E. Long covid could be four different syndromes, review suggests // BMJ. 2020. Vol. 371. P. m3981.
5. Crook H., Raza S., Nowell J., et al. Long covid-mechanisms, risk factors, and management // BMJ. 2021. Vol. 374. P. n1648.
6. Lopez-Leon S., Wegman-Ostrosky T., Perelman C., et al. More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis // Science Reports. 2021. Vol. 11, N 1. P. 16144.
7. Stefanou M.I., Palaiodimou L., Bakola E., et al. Neurological manifestations of long-COVID syndrome: a narrative review // Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Dis-ease. 2022. Vol. 13. P. 20406223221076890.
8. Davis H.E., Assaf G.S., McCorkell L., et al. Characterizing long COVID in an international cohort: 7 months of symptoms and their impact // EClinicalMedicine. 2021. Vol. 38. P. 101019.
9. Nasserie T., Hittle M., Goodman S.N. Assessment of the Frequency and Variety of Persistent Symptoms Among Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review // JAMA Network Open. 2021. Vol. 4, N 5. P.e2111417.
10. Subramanian A., Nirantharakumar K., Hughes S., et al. Assessment of 115 symptoms for Long COVID (post-COVID-19 condition) and their risk factors in non-hospitalised individuals: a retrospective matched cohort study in UK primary care // Research Square. 2022.
11. Fajnzylber J., Regan J., Coxen K., et al. Massa-chusetts Consortium for Pathogen Readiness. SARS-CoV-2 viral load is associated with increased disease severity and mortality // Nature Communications. 2020. Vol. 11, N 1. P. 5493.
12. Dadras O., Afsahi A.M., Pashaei Z., et al. The relationship between COVID-19 viral load and disease severity: A systematic review // Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 2022. Vol. 10, N 3. P. e580.
13. Dennis A., Wamil M., Alberts J., et al. Multiorgan impairment in low-risk individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome: a prospective, community-based study // BMJ Open. 2021. Vol. 11, N 3. P. e048391.
14. Taquet M., Dercon Q., Luciano S., et al. Inci-dence, co-occurrence, and evolution of long-COVID fea-tures: A 6-month retrospective cohort study of 273,618 survivors of COVID-19 // Public Library of Science Medicine. 2021. Vol. 18, N 9. P. e1003773.
15. Behnood S.A., Shafran R., Bennett S.D., et al. Persistent symptoms following SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst children and young people: A meta-analysis of controlled and uncontrolled studies // Journal of Infection. 2022. Vol. 84, N 2. P. 158-170.
16. Munblit D., Bobkova P., Spiridonova E., et al. In-cidence and risk factors for persistent symptoms in adults previously hospitalized for COVID-19 // Clinical & Exper-imental Allergy. 2021. Vol. 51, N 9. P. 1107-1120.
17. Chen C., Haupert S.R., Zimmermann L., et al. Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition or Long COVID: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review [pub-lished online ahead of print, 2022 Apr 16] // The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2022. P. jiac136.
18. Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights: Infec-tions [Internet]. Доступно по: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/condi-tionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19latestinsights/in-fections#:~:text=Self-reported%20long%20COVID%20was,another%20health%20condition%20or%20disability. Ссылка активна на: 04 августа 2022.
19. Huang L., Li X., Gu X., et al. Health outcomes in people 2 years after surviving hospitalisation with COVID-19: a longitudinal cohort study [published online ahead of print, 2022 May 11] // The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2022.
20. Cervia C., Zurbuchen Y., Taeschler P., et al. Im-munoglobulin signature predicts risk of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome // Nature Communications. 2022. Vol. 13, N 1. P. 446.
21. Phetsouphanh C., Darley D.R., Wilson D.B., et al. Immunological dysfunction persists for 8 months following initial mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nat Immunol 23, 210-216 (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41590-021-01113-x
22. Dennis A., Wamil M., Alberts J., et al. Multiorgan impairment in low-risk individuals with post-COVID-19 syndrome: a prospective, community-based study // BMJ Open. 2021. Vol. 11, N 3. P. e048391.
23. Fogarty H., Townsend L., Morrin H., et al. Persistent endotheliopathy in the pathogenesis of long COVID syndrome // Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2021. Vol. 19, N 10. P. 2546-2553.
24. Pretorius E., Vlok M., Venter C., et al. Persistent clotting protein pathology in Long COVID/Post-Acute Se-quelae of COVID-19 (PASC) is accompanied by increased levels of antiplasmin // Cardiovascular Diabetology. 2021. Vol. 20, N 1. P. 172.
25. Liu Q., Mak J.W.Y., Su Q., et al. Gut microbiota dynamics in a prospective cohort of patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome // Gut. 2022. Vol. 71, N 3. P. 544-552.
26. Stefanou M.I., Palaiodimou L., Bakola E., et al. Neurological manifestations of long-COVID syndrome: a narrative review // Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Dis-ease. 2022. Vol. 13. P. 20406223221076890.
27. Badenoch J.B., Rengasamy E.R., Watson C., et al. Persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms after COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis // Brain Communications. 2021. Vol. 4, N 1. P. fcab297.
28. Yaghi S., Ishida K., Torres J., et al. SARS-CoV-2 and stroke in a New York healthcare system // Stroke. 2020. Vol. 51, N 7. P. 2002-2011.
29. Xie Y., Xu E., Bowe B., Al-Aly Z. Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19 // Nature Medicine. 2022. Vol. 28, N 3. P. 583-590.
30. Lorkiewicz P., Waszkiewicz N. Biomarkers of Post-COVID Depression // Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021. Vol. 10, N 18. P. 4142.
31. Copur S., Berkkan M., Basile C., et al. Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome and kidney diseases: what do we know? // Journal of nephrology. 2022. Vol. 35, N 3. P. 795-805.
32. Davies A.D., Asenius F., Alrubai Ly. The long-term follow-up of COVID-19 related liver injury // Gut. 2021. Vol. 70, N 4. P. A1-A220.
33. Xie Y., Al-Aly Z. Risks and burdens of incident diabetes in long COVID: a cohort study // Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2022. Vol. 10, N 5. P. 311-321.
34. Montefusco L., Ben Nasr M., D'Addio F., et al. Acute and long-term disruption of glycometabolic control after SARS-CoV-2 infection // Nature Metabolism. 2021. Vol. 3, N 6. P. 774-785.

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DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2022.03.pp.057-064
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Для цитирования статьи

Мухоморова Л. В., Вельков В. В. Постковидный синдром – длинный КОВИД. Патофизиология, риски, биомаркеры, диагноз, прогноз // Лабораторная и клиническая медицина. Фармация. 2022. Т. 2, № 3. С. 57 – 64. DOI: 10.14489/lcmp.2022.03.pp.057-064